A second installment on the Sweet Sixteen: the night we played LSU, reflected a little about some of the other games, and had a few opinions…
Oh those shadows, MSU
And ivy’d halls we love, we do
We won’t hear Twilight’s silence fall o’er the cheer of basketball
But we’re avid Spartan fans, old and new
Tonight is Sweet Sixteen, Part Deux
We gather to cheer, as Spartans do
We’ll sing our love for Alma Mater, o’er Red Cedar River water
And thy praises, our beloved MSU
We’ll know after dinner which way it’ll go
It’s at seven (EST) and LSU’s our foe
We’ll leave it all on the court so we don’t come up short
Cuz we want to play the day after tomorrow
After tonight fans may find themselves tired
Our brains’ connections excessively fired
Our hearts will be spent on this one event
No matter what else has transpired
But just in case you wanted to know
That first game’s just the start of the show
It’s the one we care about, more than any, there’s no doubt
But after ours there are other games to go
Do we care at all if the Tar Heels lose?
It’d be nice to see Auburn cruise
to a five-seed win (even if the margin’s thin
they’d still be the victor we would choose)
And those Devil’s of Duke play VT next
And we hope the Hokies won’t be vexed
By Zion and his squad, when he waits as they applaud
while he stands after a shot, muscles flexed
We’re not overly impressed
By the guys who beat their chest
Just be humble, do your work, wipe your face to clear the smirk
Let your sportsmanship and effort do the rest
Then there’s Houston and Kentucky
Some think the Cougars are quite lucky
to be playing Wildcats (two felines yes, and that’s
particular for Houston, rather plucky)
I wonder if the Hokies know, when they walk out on the floor
That their name’s from neutered turkeys who will propogate no more
They turned it to a positive; to their success it’s causative
And nevermind the Blue Devils; we’ve talked about them before
But what the heck let’s start this right
Our boys play for The Eight tonight
What else can we do, C’mon Spartan fans, on cue!
Cheer Go Green! Go White! And Fight! Fight! …. (come on, help me out, here!)